Các công trình khoa học năm 2012 trở về trước

Bài báo khoa học năm 2012 trở về trước


Bài báo khoa học


Tuan H. Nguyen, Tri V. Phan, H. Vu and Hoa V. Ngo,  Determination temperature of a heat equation from the final value data, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 7 (2012), 15-25.PDF


Tuan H. Nguyen, Tri V. Phan, H. Vu and Hoa V. Ngo, A new method for solving the modified Helmholtz equation, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Application, Vol 4, No 4, pp. 6-17, 2012.PDF


Huy Tuan Nguyen, Phan Van Tri, Le Duc Thang, Nguyen Van Hieu, Regularization and Holder type error estimates for an initial inverse heat problem with time-dependent coefficient, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, No. 30/2012, pp. 314-333.PDF


S. Goto, S. Kimura, N. Matsuoka, and T. T. Phuong, Quasi-socle ideals inlocal rings with Gorenstein tangent cones, Journal of Commutative Algebra 1(2009), 603—620. PDF


S. Goto, S. Kimura, T. T. Phuong, and H. L. Truong, Quasi-socle ideals and Goto numbers of parameters, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 214(2010), 501–511. PDF


L. Ghezzi, S. Goto, J. Hong, K. Ozeki, T. T. Phuong and W. V.Vasconcelos, Cohen-Macaulayness versus the vanishing of the first Hilbertcoefficient of parameter ideals, Journal of the London Mathematical Society81 (2010), 679–695. PDF


L. Ghezzi, S. Goto, J. Hong, K. Ozeki, T. T. Phuong and W. V.Vasconcelos, Variation of the first Hilbert coefficients of parameters with a common integral closure, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 216, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 216–232. PDF
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