1. Introduction

The Analytical and Algebraic Methods in Optimization Research Group (AAMO) is funded by Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) and belongs to the Faculty of Mathematics-Statistics. AAMO focuses on applying  optimization and algebra to science and engineering.

2. Mission and vision

AAMO'S goal is to publish high-quality international scientific articles with the aim of making a great contribution to society. As part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, the group will also develop scientific research and train researchers.

3. Research topics

- Nonsmooth optimization: optimality conditions, duality

- Equilibrium problems

- Solution existence, stability and sensitivity, well-posedness

- Variational convergence

- Approximations in optimization

- Ekeland’s variational principle

- Variational analysis

-  Mathematical programming

- Operations Research

- Stochastic optimization

- Optimal Control 

- Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems: Control and Optimization

 - Quasi Variational Inequalities

- Non-convex Optimization

- Game Theory

- Calculus of calculus fractions

- Orthogonal functions and polynomial series

- Variation method and control optimization

- Mixed function and wave function

- Optimal error correction code

- Commutative algebra

- Calculation of numbers

- Differential algebra

- Computational algebraic geometry

4. Members


 Prof. Dsc. Phan Quoc Khanh

* Position:

- High-ranked researcher

- Head of the Analytical and Algebraic Methods in Optimization Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

* Areas of expertise: Non-smooth optimization, equilibrium problems, existence of solutions, stability and sensitivity, approximation in optimization, Ekeland's principle of variation, analysis of variations, optimization random, optimal control.


Prof. Dr. Alexander Kruger

* Position:

-  Key Member of the Analytical and Algebraic Methods in Optimization Research Group;

-  High-ranked Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

* Areas of expertise: Non-smooth optimization, derivatives and sub-differentials, metric regularity,  error bound, transmission conditions, Ekeland variation principle, extremum principle



Dr. Phan Thanh Toan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Thanh Toan

* Position:

- Key Member of  the Analytical and Algebraic Methods in Optimization Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics-Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

- Lecturer - Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

* Area of expertise: Optimal Error Correction Code, Commutative Algebra



Dr. Le Ba Khiet

* Position:

-  Member of the Analytical and Algebraic Methods in Optimization Research Group;

- Lecturer - Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

* Area of expertise: Non-smooth dynamic systems: control and optimization, variable inequality, non-convex optimization, game theory

Dr. Thieu N. Vo

Dr. Vo Ngoc Thieu

* Position:

- Member of  the Analytical and Algebraic Methods in Optimization Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics-Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

- Lecturer - Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

* Areas of expertise: Computer Algebra, Numerical and Formal Calculus, Algebraic Theory for Differential Equations, Computational Algebraic Geometry.



1. Introduction

The Applied Analysis Research Group (AARG) was established by Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) in 2015 with the goal of researching in the field of analytic math theory and applying analytic mathematics to solve real-world problems. AARG studies mathematical problems arising from the physical, chemical, geophysical, biophysical, and materials sciences. These problems are often described by time-dependent integral or ordinary partial differential equations, along with complex boundary conditions and external forces. Research results will be published in reputable international journals in Scopus/WoS.

2. Mission and vision

- Strengthening TDTU's international publications in prestigious journals under Scopus/WoS categories.

- Connection and cooperation between domestic and foreign researchers.

- In addition, this research group is a part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics (TDTU) to develop and strengthen scientific research on the quality of articles, training and number of researchers.

3. Research topics

- Partial derivative equations (PDEs)

- Random partial derivative equations (SPDEs)

- Calculus in partial differential equations

- Inverse problem in Science and Engineering (Bio Imaging, Electrical Positioning, Echolocation, Scattering)

- Numerical methods for Science and Engineering

- Image processing (Image segmentation, denoising, contour detection, texture recognition)

- Calculus of numbers

- Calculus of non-integer degrees

- Calculus of Variations

- Calculus of functions

- Optimization

4. Members

Dr. Tran Minh Phuong


• Head of the Applied Analysis Research Group (AARG), Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

• Lecturer - Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

Research direction: Functional analysis; Nonlinear analysis in partial differential equations; Calculus of Variations; Image processing; Inverse problem (biological imaging, analysis, repositioning, scattering); Numerical analysis.




Dr. Nguyen Le Toan Nhat Linh


• Member of the Applied Analysis Research Group (AARG), Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

• Lecturer - Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

Research direction: Fuzzy modeling, time series analysis, fuzzy (partial) differential equations, numerical methods for differential equations.

Msc. Nguyen Huu Can


• Member of the Applied Analysis Research Group (AARG), Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

• Lecturer - Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

Research direction: Equations of partial derivatives; Ill-posed problem; Time forward/backward problem; Fractional Calculus ; Numerical analysis; Mathematical modeling in fluid mechanics.

Dr. Tran Ngoc Thach


• Member of the Applied Analysis Research Group (AARG), Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

• Lecturer - Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics, Ton Duc Thang University

Research direction: Partial derivative equation; Random equation; Wiener process; Inverse problem; Regularization method.





C007 - 19 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Phong ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Phone: (84-028) 37755061