Ph.D. 2022




A. Education and professional activities

1. Education and degrees

  • 2018 – 2022PhD in Applied Statistics, Fengchia University, Taiwan.
  • 2009 2011MSc in Mathematical Analysis,  Cantho University, Vietnam.
  • 2004 – 2008BS in Mathematics and Computer Science, Cantho University, Vietnam.

2. Professional activities

  • 2015 – present: Lecturer at Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam.

3. Research interests

      Randomized response techniques

      Bayesian methods

Goodness of fit test

B. Publications

7. Lee, S. M., Le, T. N., Tran, P. L., & Li, C. S. (2025). Logistic regression for data acquired via two-stage generalized randomized response technique. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 1-24.

6. Tran, P. L., Lee, S. M., Le, T. N., & Li, C. S. (2025). Large-sample properties of multiple imputation estimators for parameters of logistic regression with covariates missing at random separately or simultaneously. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 77:251–287.

5. Lee, S. M., Tran, P. L., Le, T. N., & Li, C. S. (2023). Prediction of a sensitive feature under indirect questioning via Warner’s randomized response technique and latent class model. Mathematics, 11(2), 345.

4. Le, T. N., Lee, S. M., Tran, P. L., & Li, C. S. (2023). Randomized response techniques: a systematic review from the pioneering work of warner (1965) to the present. Mathematics, 11(7), 1718.

3. Lee, S. M., Le, T. N., Tran, P. L., & Li, C. S. (2023). Estimation of logistic regression with covariates missing separately or simultaneously via multiple imputation methods. Computational Statistics, 38(2), 899-934.

2. Tran, P. L., Le, T. N., Lee, S. M., & Li, C. S. (2023). Estimation of parameters of logistic regression with covariates missing separately or simultaneously. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 52(6), 1981-2009.

1. Lee, S. M., Le, T. N., Tran, P. L., & Li, C. S. (2022). Investigating the association of a sensitive attribute with a random variable using the Christofides generalised randomised response design and Bayesian methods. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 71(5), 1471-1502.

C007 - 19 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Phong ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Phone: (84-028) 37755061